Unsolicited Customer Testimonials
- “I am completely blown away with the extraordinary results I’ve received from wearing the gems I have purchased from you. In addition to being exquisitely beautiful, they are very powerful in their immediate transformative effect.
Within 30 seconds of putting on the pearl I had bought to improve the quality of my home environment, I received a call that a home I had been wanting for two years was suddenly available to me. I call that results!
Since then, I have bought a gorgeous ruby and only a few weeks later secured a major book contract. I’m also thrilled with the benefits I’m already experiencing from the yellow sapphire that I’ve had only a short time. Jay, I am so grateful that you are a gifted gemologist with a depth of knowledge, a great eye and a pure heart to select the most refined and exceptional gems for your clients.”
- Marci Shimoff, featured teacher in The Secret, #1 NY Times bestselling author, Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul, Happy for No Reason
- “Hi Jay-
I had a blue sapphire and diamond set for me in 2009. I have had phenomenal results with the blue sapphire. A serious long term "uncurable" health problem has been totally resolved. A lifelong pattern of accidents has ended, with a dramatic recent event that for me confirmed the power of the stone. I was driving at 60 mph in heavy traffic on a 2 lane highway with no divider. I spotted a deer standing on my side of the road. Something told me to brake heavily and a moment later the deer leaped in front of me, barely missing me, hitting a car full on going in the opposite direction then flung back barely missing me again at the rear of my car. The whole time I felt calm and confident and that I would be OK.
Thank you Jay and staff!”
- J.L., Paris, France
- “Just a note to let you know how excited I am upon receiving my 6.97 carat yellow sapphire. Have been wearing a smaller 2.39 carat yellow sapphire for about 2 years and have experienced an amazing connection, so considering the Human condition, such as it is, I wanted a bigger one...
I started wearing my new ring right away, and to make a 22-year-long story short, we had been trying to sell a property for 22 years. When I first put my new ring on I said to my husband jokingly, “Now maybe we’ll sell the property.” (We have sold it several times, just to have the deals fall through.) Within 2 days, in the course of 2 hours, we received 3 offers, one being more money than we were asking. We accepted it and actually closed Escrow within two months.
Also my thinking seems more clear and creative.
I am absolutely convinced that humans and the mineral kingdom have the capacity to connect and expand towards creating Heaven on Earth.
Thank you again for offering such high quality, precious, living stones.
Peace.” - C.M., Arizona
- “The first time I held my Red Coral, I could feel it pumping energy into my
kidneys. Within an hour of putting it on, my eyes were rounder and had much
more life in them. My whole nervous system felt a sense of relief. Within
a few hours, I had more energy and was able to get many more things done.
By the end of the day, I had color in my lips. The second day, I didn't
feel like I needed to sit down and rest after taking my shower and dressing.
By the end of the second day, my skin wasn't dry and scaly anymore and had
some natural oil to it. And, I was able to take a 20 minute walk after my
work day. Today is the third day and I have more physical strength. My
laundry soap bottle felt light. I'm thrilled with the results and delighted
that a piece of jewelry that is so beautiful is also so good for my health.
Thanks for your patience with me and all your help.” - B.W., North Carolina
- “Dear Jay and Company,
Thank you for the gorgeous yellow sapphire you sold me about a year ago. Your staff was very helpful at guiding me to find just what I wanted in a gemstone and then just what I wanted with a setting. Since wearing the yellow sapphire ring my business has almost doubled. Efforts to grow my business for the previous several years produced minimal returns. Now people are contacting me with little marketing effort on my part. I have waited a year to send you this note because I wondered if my business was going through one of its occasional spikes. The is not the case. The increase has proved long lasting. I love my work and it feels so good to be busy.The increase in business has had positive ramifications in my home life and my self esteem. Thank you again for all you do.”
Jim Damman,
Acupuncture and Zero Balancing, LLC
- “After receiving my two gemstone rings my business income increased by 50%. I also started making connections with people that could be influential in my life. I knew about Vedic gemstones for 12 years and I wish I had purchased them sooner. If you’re thinking of changing your life for the better with very little effort, buy a precious gemstone and you won't believe the changes.
Thank you, J.B., for your high quality gemstones.” - Lou Valentino
- “I really want to thank you immensely for this Sri Lankan unheated blue sapphire, as it has turned out to more powerful, charming, life-saving, and blissful than I ever could have imagined.” - Will Davis
- “Wearing my ruby affected my life on all levels. Before the ruby, health insurance was unaffordable and denied for pre-existing condition. Right after I started wearing my ruby, I was able to get health insurance. My career dramatically improved, as did my spiritual life. My relationship with my husband is more enriching. My communication with my father is transformed into a more open and generous relationship.” - R.F., Colorado
- “Thank you so much for all your help today and also for the first time I contacted you. You have been so very helpful, patient as well as expedient with getting the information out to me and professional and friendly in the way you do business! It was certainly a pleasure for me to deal with you and I will do so again. I will also recommend you to anyone I know for gems, whether they are interested in Jyotish or not! I am sure I will be getting lots of compliments on my gems when I get them. I can hardly wait!
I would also like to send a very, very sincere thank you and appreciation for the astrologer’s discount you gave me. What an absolutely lovely surprise that was!
Thank you so much again for everything. You have been just fantastic!” - Laura Henry
- “Thank you for sending the extra pictures of the rings, they are lovely. It will be a most difficult choice.
I also want to thank you for you swift, professional, informative and friendly service. In a world where people just don't care about the service that they give, it is refreshing and comforting to know that there are people out there that you can trust and who care about the service that they give as well the quality of the product that they sell. You are a gem. Am looking forward to hearing from you.
Thanks again.” - Pam
- I am just writing to let you know that we were finally able to clear the ring from customs yesterday. Zerrin, my fiance, had to come also, so it ruined the surprise, but nevermind!! The ring is simply breathtaking!! Zerrin couldn't wait and immediately opened the parcel up and started wearing it, it was a perfect fit. She is absolutely thrilled about her wedding present!! All of you at Astrological Gem have done a wonderful job, the finished product is more than either of us could ever wish for, thank you all very much!! Thank you very much once again Hilary for all your help and I look forward to doing business with you again in the near future!! Send my warmest regards to everyone at Astrological Gem, both Zerrin and I are deeply grateful for your excellent customer service and expertise.
Kindest Regards.”
- A.R., Turkey
- “I have just received my ring and all I can say is WOW!
My expectations have been truly surpassed and I must say a big THANK YOU.
It was great to deal with you guys. God bless you both and the members of your company.
My wife will finalize her selection in the next few days and I will revert to you.
Kindest regards.” - M.P., South Africa
- “I have been so busy that I have been remiss in telling you how happy I am with my pendant. You did a stellar job and I am enjoying wearing it immensely. For doing this all over the Internet and fax, it is just how I wanted it. Hopefully it will bring me increased prosperity, but even if it doesn't I will have a beautiful, unique piece of jewelry to enjoy.
Thanks again.” - Judy
- “I wanted to share with you on March 10, Thursday, and a new moon, I did a ceremony putting on my new ring. Upon putting it on a surge of energy ran through my finger, up my arm, dissipating into my shoulder. Since I have been experiencing healing and a peace never before experienced. Again, thank you for all your help, information, and negotiating with the jeweler for me.” - Elaine Monaco,
Santa Cruz, CA
- “Thank you for the most careful packaging and prompt delivery of the Cat's Eye. Although I was previously skeptical about the effectiveness of gems there was a noticeable improvement in most aspects of my life and well being commencing almost as soon as the gem arrived. Three hours after receiving the gem my Lawyer phoned to say that complex and very lengthy problems were resolved and that a cheque for $605,000 was ready for me to collect. For me this was a breakthrough! I very much appreciate the efforts you have made.” - J.J., Sydney, Australia
- “I'm in love with this sweet little ruby. I'm so happy to have it! And the pearl, as well, is luminous and full of wonderful energy. Thank you for providing them and making them into lovely pieces to wear.” - M.D., Chicago, IL
- “I received the moonstone pendant today and I love its beautiful simplicity. It also ‘feels' very good. I'll begin wearing it on Monday and will update you with the results. Thanks for spending so much time with me describing the stones and offering so many options. You'll hear from me again.” - J.H., Tallahassee, FL
- “I would like to say that when Carmen wears her pearl she seems to be more easily able to make emotional decisions without tearing up and worrying. I continue to feel a sense of joyful anticipation since wearing my emerald.” - K.L., Indianapolis, IN
- “The Blue Sapphire ring has arrived and it is truly beautiful. I can't wait to put it on this Saturday. Thanks so much for your help in obtaining the gems. The diamonds and the sapphire complement each other beautifully.” - J.R., California
- “Thank you so much for taking your time with me on the phone last night. I appreciate your knowledge and experience. . . .and the beautiful yellow sapphire.” - J.D., Denver, CO
- “I can now wear the emerald and the pearl, and they are stunning! We just received them in their settings and I must let you know how fortunate I feel to be wearing them. Thank you.” - V.B., Key West, FL
- “Thanks for sending the stones for our consideration. They were all exceptional in the brilliance, clarity and color. We've kept and paid for the two rubies and are returning the yellow sapphires. We'll probably be buying the sapphires at some point in the future and will let you know when. Thanks again for helping us out.” - G.B., Wichita, KS
- “I would like to emphasize again that it was a pleasure doing business with you. The connection felt like a special one.” - T.W., Fort Collins, CO
- “So, Jay, this whole letter is an ode of thanks to you for, in your handling of who you are in your work, your commitment shows up to help others. I can't tell you the gratitude I send you for the transformational energy, divine protection, and love which shows up in your handling of your stones. Thank you. Thank you.” - T.L., Boston, MA
- “Gems are a mirror of the perfection and clarity that exists within us. It has been such a pleasure to have contact with you and your company. That you do business while maintaining the sacred awareness of the gems you are selling is a great gift to those who are purchasing through you.
All the best to you,
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